We are a grassroots group taking action to highlight Ontario’s collapsing health-care system. We formed in 2022, as ERs closed across the province and health-care workers gave dire warnings about the crisis looming in the months ahead.
At the same time, Ontario's Minister of Health Sylvia Jones said, “Let’s be clear: there is not a crumbling system in the province of Ontario. To suggest it is in crisis is completely inappropriate.”
Since then, the crisis has worsened. ERs continue to overflow, crucial treatments are delayed and interrupted, staffing shortages intensify. And Sylvia Jones has changed her tune.
Now she rejects “the status quo” and uses buzzwords like “streamline” and “innovation” to usher American-style health-care into Ontario. Health care that prioritizes corporate profit over quality and equity.
Health-care workers have carried the burden of alerting Ontario to what’s been happening for far too long. It’s time for everyday citizens to speak up and show their support for our health-care workers, our public health-care system and for fellow Ontarians. Please join the campaign to #SaveHealthcare and make your voice heard.
Contact: info@ghostgurney.ca