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A white, ghost-like gurney appears on a black background.



What is the Ghost Gurney Project?

Universal health care is a point of pride for Canadians, yet we're witnessing its destruction - from overflowing ERs and delayed surgeries to privatization of long-term care, and an unprecedented staffing shortage. 


The Ghost Gurney is a powerful symbol of Ontario's collapsing universal health-care system and those who have and will continue to needlessly suffer. The gurney serves as a backdrop for a speakers' corner where health-care advocates, medical professionals, and concerned citizens can make their voices heard. 


According to Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office, our government will shortchange the health-care system by $5 billion over the next three years - yet they refuse to pay nurses and health-care workers a fair wage.


They force vulnerable patients into long-term care homes up to 150 km away from family. They underfund home and community care, and allow 2.2 million Ontarians to go without primary care. They stand by while communities lose access to emergency care.


Ontario's health-care system is buckling - it's time to take action, end for-profit care and protect our future.

What are Ontarians Saying?

We Call on the Ontario Government to:

  • Drop the appeal of Bill 124

  • Repeal Bill 7

  • Fund more non-profit community surgery centres rather than for-profit private clinics

  • Increase home care funding

  • Make team-based primary care a top priority

  • Immediately implement centralized wait lists for specialists and surgeries

  • Legislate indoor air quality standards

  • Legislate paid sick days  

  • Invest in universal health care and stop privatization 

Courage, my friends; ’tis not too late to build a better world.
~ Tommy Douglas, Father of Canadian Medicare ​


Join our in-person speakers' corner or our social media campaign to #SaveHealthcare. Learn more 


Tell us how the health-care crisis has impacted you and what you think about for-profit health care.


Questions? Email

A white gurney stands on an empty road with the sun shining down through clouds.

©2023 by Ghost Gurney

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